September Real Estate Statistics for Victoria BC
Consumer interest in homeownership in Victoria unwavering over course of pandemic
A total of 989 properties sold in the Victoria Real Estate Board region this September, 60.6 per cent more than the 616 properties sold in September 2019 and 1 per cent more than the previous month of August 2020. Sales of condominiums were up 26.7 per cent from September 2019 with 280 units sold. Sales of single family homes were 91.9 per cent from September 2019 with 539 sold.
"Another month has passed where we have seen surprisingly high sales numbers - which included quite a few higher end properties," says Victoria Real Estate Board President Sandi-Jo Ayers. "I don't think that anyone who was trying to predict market outcomes in our area over the course of the pandemic expected that the pent up demand from dampened sales in April and May would result in this level of market activity. There's no doubt that buyers are extremely motivated and this increased demand, coupled with limited inventory, fueled the September market."  
There were 2,389 active listings for sale on the Victoria Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service® at the end of September 2020, 15.4 per cent fewer properties than the total available at the end of September 2019 and a 7.5 per cent decrease from the 2,584 active listings for sale at the end of August 2020.  
"We had some much-needed new inventory enter the market over the course of September," adds Ayers. "But the supply has not been sufficient to outstrip the heightened demand. We continue to see multiple offers and pressure on pricing across many neighbourhoods. Looking forward, it is impossible to determine what our fall market will look like, but if the past couple of months are an indication, we may see higher seasonal numbers than we would have expected in a more predictable year. That said, since our situation can change in a blink, we cannot look at the past months as the start of a trend, but instead as a moment in our market during an unpredictable time."  
The Multiple Listing Service® Home Price Index benchmark value for a single family home in the Victoria Core in September 2019 was $849,100. The benchmark value for the same home in September 2020 increased by 3.5 per cent to $879,200, 1.1 per cent less than August's value of $889,200. The MLS® HPI benchmark value for a condominium in the Victoria Core in September 2019 was $512,500, while the benchmark value for the same condominium in September 2020 decreased by 0.4 per cent to $510,600, 0.6 per cent less than the August value of $513.900.

VIP PRICE - Tresah Pre-sale Condo Project - SELLING - Mayfair - Victoria BC

Homes at Tresah a new condo Pre- Sale Project in Victoria BC

A celebration of local craftsmanship, neighbourhood diversity, and sustainability, Tresah is a great opportunity for early investment in this vibrant neighbourhood. Close to downtown Victoria BC.

Tresah is located in the heart of the Mayfair District and consists of two multi-family residential buildings characterized by richly coloured brick-clad bases and luminous warm white facades over one level of underground parking.

The West building is a 12-storey Mass Timber market mid-rise containing 179 homes, with condos starting from $329,000. This building is 20% RESERVED.

The East building is a 6-storey wood-framed building with 66 homes, with new condos starting as low as $289,000. This building is now 50% SOLD.

For more information please call us at 1-778-401-9545 or e-mail INFO@BCHOMEGROUP.CA


Contracts and claims

One of the most important services trading licensees provide to their clients is the ability to draft a legally enforceable contract.

In the case of Russell V Wispinski [1] the judge stated:

“A real estate agent in this province must be qualified and licensed. He and his brethren have a statutory monopoly with all the advantages and burdens that that status bestows. He, in my view, holds himself out as having some special skills and not the least of this is some ability to draft legally enforceable documents relating to his business.”

Reviewing a contract

There are, of course, limits on what is expected of licensees in drafting contracts. Drafting some clauses may be beyond the standard of care of a reasonably prudent licensee, but once a licensee takes on the task, they must do it properly[2].

The key is in knowing when something is beyond your expertise and referring your client to the appropriate expert, likely a lawyer, to draft the clause or contract or generally offer legal advice.

This issue of the Risk Report features Scott Twining’s article, The pitfalls of the poorly drafted contract. He offers several loss-prevention tips on how to avoid claims related to negligence in preparing and reviewing contracts.

Claims for negligence relating to contracts of purchase and sale make up 19% of (now closed) claims that have been reported to E&O since 2010. Watch for these top five problem areas:

  1. Subject clauses
  2. Taxes/GST
  3. Deposits
  4. Strata documentation
  5. Parties to a contract… tied with… fixtures/chattels

Here are some examples of the types of claims made against licensees in each of these categories.

Subject clauses

  • Failing to explain the risks of a subject-free offer
  • Failing to remove subject clauses on time
  • Failing to recommend appropriate subject clauses
  • Drafting unenforceable or ambiguous subject clauses


  • Misrepresenting who will pay the GST on the transaction
  • Misrepresenting that GST or other taxes are not applicable on the transaction
  • Misrepresenting the amount of taxes payable
  • Failing to ensure the contract sets out who will pay GST
  • Failing to advise a client that the foreign buyer’s tax applies


  • Advising a buyer that their only risk if they failed to complete would be losing the deposit
  • Representing that a deposit had been received when this was untrue
  • Losing a deposit cheque or bank draft
  • Paying out deposit funds without instructions or proper authority

Strata documentation

  • Failing to obtain Form B
  • Failing to provide the complete set of strata documents requested by the buyer
  • Failing to provide minutes or other documents that contain key information such as an upcoming assessment or engineering report
  • Failing to discover and disclose information that makes the strata unsuitable for the buyer (e.g. age or pet restrictions)

Parties to a contract

  • Failing to ensure you as licensee were dealing with a properly authorized person
  • Failing to ensure the instructing party had a valid power of attorney
  • Drafting a contract with the incorrect name for the seller
  • Forging a signature to a contract


  • Failing to ensure a hot tub or other items are included in the sale
  • Wrongfully removing fixtures
  • Misrepresenting a heat pump as an air conditioner
  • Misrepresenting the age or condition of appliances.
Categories:   1029 view st | 1061 Fort St | 1188 Yates | 128 Amphion Terrace | 2018 | 2018 MLS Statistics Victoria | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2417 Beacon Avenue | 3010 washington Ave | 439 cook st | 515 Chatham | 751 fairfield rd | 760 johnson st | 881 short st | 881 uptown | 930 yates | abstract | abstract development | accountant | acreage | Activity Book | affordable homes | agreement of purchase | air bnb | Apartment | approach seller direction | April statistics | astoria | august 2022 | bare trustee | bc | BC Energy | bc home assessed value | BC Housing | bc landlords | BC Real Estate Council | BC Real Estate Foundation | BC Real Estate Rules | bc speculation tax | bc tax rules | bc title | bcrea | Bear Mountain | Belmont | beneficial interest | best realtor | bosa development | british columbia | british columbia real estate | building warranty | Buy | buy a condo in cedar hill | Buy Apartment | Buy Apartment Victoria BC | Buy Condo | Buy Condo Victoria | Buy Condo Victoria BC | Buy Home | Buy Home Victoria BC | Buy House Victoria BC | Buy In Victoria BC | Buy Property | buy real estate in Rockland victoria bc | buyer | buyers | buyers tax | Buying | Buying Home | Buying A ForeClosed Home | Buying A House | Buying A House With Cash | Buying An Investment Property | Buying Property | Buying Rental Property | Buying Your First Home | BuyingProperty | canada | canada home search | Canadian Housing Market | cannabis rules | capital park | cedar hill | central saanich | central saanich waterfront | Century | Century 21 Houses For Sale | Century 21e | character home | City of Saanich | clause to remove junk | close to uvic | CMHC | Co Hatley Park, Colwood Real Estate | coast hotel | concert properties | condo | condo downtown | condo for sale | condo project | Condos For Sale | consumer protection | cordova bay | Corona Virus | corporations | Costs House | Costs Of Buying A House | Covid-19 | covid19 | cra | Craigslist Houses | Craigslist Houses For Sale | CS Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich Real Estate | CS Saanichton, Central Saanich Real Estate | customs house | david foster | deceased on title | december | detached Homes | development opportunity | disclosure forms | dockland real estate victoria | downtown | downtown victoria | downtown victoria condo | downtown victoria condos | Downtown Victria | Du West Duncan, Duncan Real Estate | elevate | empty home tax | Es Esquimalt, Esquimalt Real Estate | Es Old Esquimalt, Esquimalt Real Estate | Es Rockheights, Esquimalt Real Estate | Es Saxe Point, Esquimalt Real Estate | esquimalt | esquimalt home | estate planning | evergreen hill | fairfield condo | fairfield rd | fantastic app | farm | farm land | father | father's day | february real estate statictics | fifteen 88 | fifteen88 | find a home in victoria | find a home victoria bc | find home find | First | First Home | First Time Home Buyer | fisherman's warf | fixed mortgage | for sale by owner | for sale by owner victoria | For Sale In | For Sale On | For Sale Victoria BC | ForeClosed | ForeClosed Home | foreign b | foreign buyer tax | foreign buyer tax in british Columbia | foreign buyers | garden suite | go agent | gst | guidelines | hacks | hamlet park | harbourside | home | Home Buyer | home for sale | Home Partnership Program | Home Prices | home renovations | home search criteria | home warranty | Homes | Homes Sale | homes for sale | homes for sale in victoria bc | homes for sale under $400000 | House | House Buy And Sell | House For Sale In | House Sold | House Victoria BC | House With Cash | houses | Houses For Sale | Houses For Sale On | Houses To Buy In Victoria BC | housing market | hudson one | hudson place | hudson place one | hudson presale | Ilaria | income splitting | Investment Property | January | Jawl | jawl properties | joint tenancy | july statistics | june 15 | June 2018 | june 2020 | june 2022 | junk removal | Kijiji Homes | Kijiji Homes For Sale | kitma rd | La Bear Mountain, Langford Real Estate | La Florence Lake, Langford Real Estate | La Glen Lake, Langford Real Estate | La Happy Valley, Langford Real Estate | La Thetis Heights, Langford Real Estate | La Westhills, Langford Real Estate | Ladysmith | landlord | lanford | langford | lefreve | legal | legato | luxury | luxury condo | luxury condo inner harbour | luxury home | luxury real estate | luxury tax | luxury waterfront | manhattan | March | march statistics | Market | market on yates | Market Value | May | May 2020 real estate | may 2021 real estate | may statistics | me | misrepresentation | ML Mill Bay, Malahat & Area Real Estate | MLS | MLS 2018 August | mls app | mls statistics | mortgage | mosaic | Multi Family Properties | Multi Family Properties For Sale | Na North Nanaimo, Nanaimo Real Estate | nanaimo | near | new bc budget 2018 | New Condos | New Condos For Sale Victoria BC | new foreign entity tax | New Homes | New Homes For Sale Victoria BC | New Houses | New Houses For Sale Victoria BC | New realtor | new tax rules | newsletter october | newsletter september | non-resident | north dairy rd | Norway House Buy And Sell | november | NS Dean Park, North Saanich Real Estate | NS Lands End, North Saanich Real Estate | OB South Oak Bay, Oak Bay Real Estate | ocean view | october | october 2022 | Offer | Old Houses | Old Houses For Sale | openhouse | outbreak | Pandemic | parkside | parkside hotel | parkside presale | polo village | Possession Dates | Pre-sale | pre-sale home | preconstruction | presale | presale condo | price | Properties | Properties For Sale | property | property guys | property transfer tax | purchase agreement | Purple Bricks | Purple Bricks Homes For Sale | real estate | real estate app | real estate estat | real estate estatistics | Real Estate Foundation BC | real estate news | real estate purchase | real estate rule changes | Real Estate Sold | real estate statistics | real estate tax | Real Estate Victori | real estate victoria | realtor | Realtor Houses For Sale | realtor tipline | | realtors | Remax | Remax Land | Remax Land For Sale | Rental | Rental Property | resale downtown victoria condo | residenes | residential property | resources | rockland real estate victoria | roundhouse rise | saanich garden suite | Sale | Sale Victoria BC | save money | saxe point | school | scrap speculation tax | SE Cedar Hill, Saanich East Real Estate | SE Cordova Bay, Saanich East Real Estate | SE Maplewood, Saanich East Real Estate | SE Mt Doug, Saanich East Real Estate | SE Mt Tolmie, Saanich East Real Estate | SE Swan Lake, Saanich East Real Estate | search for homes on MLS | second property | selkirk waterway | Sell My House | Sell My House Fast For Market Value | sell your home in victoria | seller | sellers | Sellers Market | selling | september | september real estate news | sidney | Sidney condo | sidney condo project victoria | Sk East Sooke, Sooke Real Estate | Sk John Muir, Sooke Real Estate | Sold | Sold Homes | Sold properties | specul | specula | speculation | speculation ta | speculation tax | speculation tax for foreigners in British Columbia | Statistical Updates | statistics | Step One Code | Steps To Buying A House | strata insurance | stress test | subdivision | SW Marigold, Saanich West Real Estate | SW Northridge, Saanich West Real Estate | SW Portage Inlet, Saanich West Real Estate | SW Royal Oak, Saanich West Real Estate | SW Strawberry Vale, Saanich West Real Estate | SW Tillicum, Saanich West Real Estate | Tax | tax avoidance penalties property transfer tax | tax changes | tax changes in bc | tax fraud | tax penalties | Tax rukes | tax rules | tax splitting | telephone scam | Tenancy | tenancy laws | tenanted properties | tenants | the aragon | the haro | the jukebox | the juliet | the manhattan | the manhattan 930 yates | the nest | the railyards | thetis Glen | thetisglen | timeshare | tips | tips on virtual open house | title insurance | Top Realtor | Top Realtor Victoria BC | townhouse | Townhouses | Townhouses Victoria BC | Townhouses For Sale Victoria BC | Tresah | Troke | trust agreements | Trusts | two lots | ubc | under 600 000 | vacation home | vancouver | variable mortgage | Vi Burnside, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Downtown, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Fairfield West, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Fernwood, Victoria Real Estate | Vi James Bay, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Jubilee, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Mayfair, Victoria Real Estate | Vi Rockland, Victoria Real Estate | vic west new condo project | victora | victoria | Victoria August 2018 MLS Statistics | victoria bc | victoria bc canada | victoria bc home find | Victoria BC Home Prices | victoria condo | victoria condo market 2019 | victoria Day parade | victoria homes | victoria housing bubble | victoria inner harbour | victoria luxury condo | Victoria New Condos For Sale | victoria pre sale | victoria property | victoria property searc | victoria property search | victoria real estate | victoria real estate board | Victoria Real estate 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MLS® property information is provided under copyright© by the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board and Victoria Real Estate Board. The information is from sources deemed reliable, but should not be relied upon without independent verification.